OK, this solution was put together Frankenstein style from multiple sources. Basically I wanted to only allow the user to use the Enter key in specific circumstances. If they were typing their query in the search box, for example. This solution uses a combination of JavaScript and the ASP.NET Panel control. The following JavaScript is placed in the MasterPage:
<script type="text/javascript">
var allowEnterKey = false;
window.document.onkeydown = CheckEnter;
function CheckEnter()
var keyID = (window.event) ? event.keyCode : e.keyCode;
if (!allowEnterKey && keyID == 13)
return false;
return true;
Then my search box (or whatever) can be wrapped in a Panel control like so:
<asp:Panel ID="pnlSearch" runat="server" DefaultButton="btnSearch">
<div id="SearchDiv">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtSearch" runat="server" Columns="60"
onfocus="allowEnterKey=true" onblur="allowEnterKey=false" />
<asp:Button ID="btnSearch" runat="server" Text="Search"
onclick="btnSearch_Click" onfocus="allowEnterKey=true" onblur="allowEnterKey=false" />
Notice the DefaultButton property set on the Panel as well as the onfocus and oblur properties of the TextBox.