Jon's Blog

.NET Development & More

ASP.NET: Improving Your Error Logging & Handling

One of the first things I like to setup when I am creating a new site is a customized error page and error logging.  To log all unhandled errors on your site you can add some code to the Application_Error event of your Global.asax file.  What I do is to grab the exception and then I use a static method of a helper class I have in my class library.  I pass the name of the web application where the error occurred and the exception itself.  In the helper method I can then extract the details I need from the exception and log it to a database table.


public const string APP_NAME = "Name of My App";

void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Exception ex = Server.GetLastError().GetBaseException();
    SiteErrorLog.LogError(APP_NAME, ex);


Next, in the web.config you can setup your site so the user sees a nice, customized error page instead of the default ASP.NET error page.  Under the <system.web> node, add the following:

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="ErrorPage.aspx"></customErrors>


Now when your site is hit from a remote client (RemoteOnly) and an unhandled error occurs they will be redirected to the page you created (ErrorPage.aspx).  This is much nicer for the user of your site.

Jon's Blog | All posts tagged 'session state'

Jon's Blog

.NET Development & More

Using SQL Session State with Multiple Environments

I really like storing Session State out-of-process in a SQL Server database. However, I use custom code that switches the connection string based on the current environment my code is running in (test, stage, production, etc.). It was a little tricky to get this setup properly. But I am pretty happy with the following solution.

  • First, you have to setup the Session State database on the SQL machines/environments you are interested in storing your out-of-process session state in. You need to execute a command similar to the following on the command line to build out the database structure:
    aspnet_regsql -S localhost -E -ssadd -sstype p
    See this link for further information:
  • Add the following line in your web.config under the <system.web> node. Make note of the partitionResolverType. We will discuss that further in the next step.
    <sessionState mode="SQLServer" partitionResolverType="MyApplication.Utility.SessionConnStringResolver" timeout="60" cookieless="false"/>
  • The partitionResolverType above can reference a cusom class that can be used to choose which connection string you want to use at run-time. For example you can create the following class for dynamically switching your connection string:
namespace MyApplication.Utility
    public class SessionConnStringResolver : System.Web.IPartitionResolver
        public void Initialize() { }

        // Return the correct ASP.NET Session DB for the current running environment
        public String ResolvePartition(Object key)
            // Custom code to get connection string based on current environment
            return MyConfigClass.GetConfigSettings.SessionDBConnString;


If you are using LINQ to SQL you should also set Serialization Mode to Unidirectional on the Object Relational Designer as discussed in this link. This allows you to serialize/deserialize your LINQ classes when saving to the database.

For a better explanation of the Partition Resolver feature of SQL Server Session State see the following links. Above is just the steps I followed to set everything up.